Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I'm so glad to be back...I guess

The other night, Branden and I were laying in bed talking when he managed to stumble upon the worst thing to say after a sentence, "I guess".

His full sentence went like this, "It's a good thing I never dated her...I guess".

Now because I am a loving, supportive, and open wife, I poked him in the ribs multiple times and shrieked, "YOU GUESS!!! YOU GUESS??? You better KNOW!".

He giggle out apologies and we were in a fit of laughter when it hit me, "This is the worst thing to say after a sentence," I mused, still giggling, "think about it; 'Your cooking is the best...I guess' or 'Dang you're sexy...I guess' or 'Fredrick is just a friend...I guess' there is just nothing good about saying it!"

After some more giggles, my silly, sweet husband pulled me in for his goodnight kisses, saying what we say to each other often and what was even part of our wedding vows, "I love you with all that I am and ever will be".

I kissed him back and responded with what we always say, "Forever and ever".

He smiled and rolled over to get cozy under the covers.

"I guess," I said softly and then we erupted into giggles again!

What's the worst sentence to say this after?? And can any of you think up a worse sentence?? I am open to suggestions to tease Branden horrendously with peak my curiosity.

If you weren't here yesterday then pop over to THIS POST to read what's been going on since I've been away.


  1. - "Sure, it's your baby. I guess."
    - "No, those jeans don't make your butt look big. I guess."
    - "You're right, that Maggie girl is damn fine. I guess."

    In that same vein, answering a question with "prob-bly" works, too. Not "probably", the correct pronunciation, but "prob-bly".

    - "Is my dog friendly? Prob-bly."
    - "Is this peanut/gluten/meat free? Prob-bly."

    1. Oh wow! The "Sure, it's your baby" takes the cake! That has got to be the worst thing to say with "I guess"!
      Prob-bly is also terrible! It most likely has caused a lot of accidents and good fail videos ;)

  2. Or when people avoid a yes or no question with "I think so"...
    "Jake, have you fed the dogs yet?"
    "I think so...."

    1. In your house that could mean having your sofa eaten! Definitely not a good answer to anything!

  3. Love this post. You two are such a cute couple! I look forward to reading more. Glad you're back in the swing of things...I guess.

    And thanks for stopping by my new blog (the Feedjit showed someone from Dublin...GUESSING it was you!) :)

    1. I saw that it thought I was from Dublin...that thing needs to get its geography checked! You could get mobbed in a street here for saying you are in Dublin! ;)

  4. "Hey, your sister is not nearly as sexy as you... I guess."

    "No, I have not been drinking and driving tonight, officer... I guess."

    "Yes, I have smoked crack, in one of my drunken stupors... I guess."

    1. I would guess that you would be spending the night in the drunk tank with that second phrase!

  5. Ooooh! I like worthless! That could be quite fun to use...hmmmm...may have to steal that one ;)

  6. hahaha it's like the mean little sister of the 'in bed' game :) "You're the most beautiful woman in the room... I guess" or "I'm so attracted to you... I guess".... man, these all sound so mean!!! Hugs from PA, Bern :)

    1. It is like the mean little sister to the skanky, older "in bed" sis! Both fun though ;)

  7. Of course we're happy.... I guess... - Dave

    1. Hahaha! Yes, that is not a confident building sentence!

  8. Hey, glad you came back Maggie - Dave

    1. Thank you Dave! I recently had a Kiwi living in my house and I was able to use some of the things I've learned from your blog in the past to chat with him! Hope things are going well for you :)

  9. I can't recall ever using the "I guess" option with my wife. I did eventually discover her hatred of "sure" in place of "yes" though. It's not the same, or even in the same league, but for some reason she goes ballistic any time I answer with "sure" instead of "yes."


Does this straitjacket make my butt look big?