Friday, March 9, 2012

I love being an adult

To say that I am not a morning person would be a serious understatement. I LOATH mornings! The only way I would like them is if they started at noon. Friday is the one morning that Branden and I can sleep-in together (since he or we have to get up at a set time every other day of the week) so I am not a fan if our one morning of being sloths gets interrupted. I woke up at 9am this morning just to go to the bathroom and crawled back into bed, expecting to doze for at least another hour or so...but the doorbell rang. Everyone else in the house is gone by this time so Branden nominated me to answer it since I just got up.

Looking like disheveled road kill, I answered the door to the postman who handed me a package with my name on it! I squeaked out a "Thanks so much!" in my best "no, I have been awake for hours and this is my normal horrid sounding man voice." Getting back into bed, I ripped into the box as quickly as I could since I saw the list of package contents taped to the side, and it read "Girl Scout cookies"! We don't have Girl Scout cookies here in Ireland and we keep being horribly taunted by our US friends and family back home who keep singing their praises on Facebook. Being the responsible adults that we are, we ate Thin Mints, Dulce de Leche, and Samoas for breakfast in bed! Now that is my idea of a great morning! I even happily got up again to make coffee, spurred on by the high sugar content that was now in my system.

All this to say, THANK YOU! to my sister, bro-in-law, and nephews for the wonderful package this morning! As an added bonus, I even got a new pretty bracelet made for me by Hunter (my 5 year old nephew). It's so sweet and I love it!


  1. Your morning attitude sounds perfectly normal to me. When my kids were in elementary school, I used to get up to make their breakfast--until they told me I was killing their appetites. They gave me a "Snoopy" sticker which I still have on my bedroom mirror. It shows him hanging over his doghouse & says, "I think I'm allergic to mornings."

    Now that I'm old & have no reason to get up early, I can't sleep past 8:00am. Go figure.

    1. Me too. I hate that. It is sooo unfair.

    2. I figure these are the years to take advantage of my abilities of sleeping in. They will be gone when we have kids and by the time the kids are out of the house, I'll probably be part of the "Can't sleep past 8" club. ;)

  2. Haha. I am NOT a morning person either! And my 'lil LillyBuggy wakes up EVERY day at 5:30am. Even on the weekends! She must have an internal alarm clock or something. Grrrr....

    JEALOUS you got the cookies! Samoas are the best. YUMMMMMM!

    1. My sis isn't a morning person and her oldest is like your sweet Lilly...and he's 5! She prays for the day he will sleep in!

  3. I'm not a morning person. I accomplish more at night. Which means I accomplish pretty much nothing. Not a thing. But I earned it through 30 years of crazy married life. I can stay in bed as long as I want, and I love Girl Scout cookies. Frozen thin mints are my favorites.


    1. I do better at night too. I think my dad is the only one who's not a night owl in my family. I have never heard of freezing thin mints...sounds fantastic! I'm definitely trying that!

  4. JEALOUS!!! I want me some Samoas SO bad!

  5. JEALOUS!!! I want me some Samoas SO bad!

  6. Hi there Padded Cell Princess! I know exactly what you mean. Somehow my biological clock always says the same thing to me: 'Go to bed at 1:30 AM, wake up at 8:30 AM.' Who am I to disobey? It's always been like that. I even found a job that didn't require me to get up early (12:00-21:00). But then my girlfriend decided to come and live with me and she's more an early-to-bed-early-to-pool type if you know what I mean, so you can imagine how hard my life must be these days.... :)

    P.S. Weekend!!!!!!!!

    1. My husband prefers getting up early so he can feel like he's had more daytime, and he'll even go so far as to say he's a morning person...I disagree considering I can rub his back for 2 minutes after the alarm's gone off and have him sleep an extra 2 hours :) hahaha wife powers!

    2. Now I know for sure you are so sweet and worthy of your award. Whenever my Angie rubs my back, I'm unable to go to work for a couple of days. Well, so to speak. She's tiny but when she rubs your back, you'd swear the Hulk is doing the job for her! Have a nice week, Padded Cell Princess!

  7. You've just reminded me that I have a package I never finished putting together to send to a friend in Australia. I really need to get organized.

    Oh, and I'm not a morning person either. I am barely alive in the mornings.

    1. Exactly! Mornings are not a time when life should occur.

  8. I hear frozen thin mints in coffee are excellent.

    1. Frozen thin mints with milk for me. I don't drink coffee, but you go right ahead.

  9. Mornings are for sleeping. There I said it. Now you know!

  10. My daughter is just like that~ She hates being woke up. As long as she wakes up on her own she's a happy camper. Wake her up and she will chew your head off the rest of the day lol

    1. Branden has learned that he can either awaken a dragon or let happy princess arise with the afternoon sun...much like your daughter :)

  11. Oh my gosh, that picture of the cat made me laugh so hard. *must stop for breath* Eating and sleeping in bed sounds divine...can I ship the twins over for a while? Be on the lookout for a really big box...

  12. Care packages are the best! So glad there was a happy outcome to having to get up early.

  13. I am such a morning person and Cade isn't at all LOL! I think I drive him bonkers each morning. ;)


Does this straitjacket make my butt look big?