Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pirates, witches, and PRIZES!!

Elisa over at Crazy Life of a Writing Mom has published yet another book! I laughed and cried through her first book The Golden Sky, which if you haven't read yet, you absolutely must get it now! This newest book, The Sword of Senack is her first fantasy novel and I can't wait to read it! Here's a little taster of the plot:

Aliya Fisher knows nothing about her true heritage until a vindictive sorceress kidnaps her brother and sister. The young adventurer must take up her birthright, battle eerie creatures, and find the Sword of Senack if she hopes to best the witch. But even if Aliya finds the famed weapon and survives the perilous oceanic journey, the enchantress is far more than she appears. How does one defeat an immortal who lusts for revenge? 

Now you know why I'm so excited to read it! Go over to Elisa's blog NOW by clicking HERE for more details about the book (including an excerpt from the book which is fantastic!) and a couple of prizes including a Kindle Fire!


  1. One day I'm going to be as awesome as Elisa.

  2. Super stoked about this too! Seriously loved The Golden Sky. By the way, I'm still thinking about your spider post from the other day, and I'm still creeped out...

  3. Thanks for helping out, Princess. I know Elisa greatly appreciates it. :o)

  4. Thank you so much, woman :) I'm so thrilled that you liked "The Golden Sky." I really put my heart into it ;) It was nice to work on a fantasy this time--much less crying on my part lol I hope you'll love it.

  5. Woo hoo! It's the big Elisa day! lol I'm so excited for her. Seriously if you guys haven't read it The Sword of Senack is an amazing book as well as The Golden Sky!
    Here's a big Atta Girl Elisa!


  7. I'll never be as awesome as Elisa, but at my age, I'm able to accept the truth and love her without being jealous.


  8. Unlike Janie Junebug, I'm unable to accept the truth :(

  9. Do not fret about your age young one. I have bras that old...


Does this straitjacket make my butt look big?