Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WhY d0 P30PL3 Ty3p3 L1k3 Th15???

Recently I wrote a post about my 7 pet peeves. I considered putting people who write in 'text language' but I found that I had already written a big rant about them back in February 2006. So here's something I dug up from my blog archives for you today (and maybe I can attempt at catching up on all your blogs today!)

WhY d0 P30PL3 Ty3p3 L1k3 Th15???

I was blog surfing on the updated spaces list...always looking for new people... and I ran into one space where the spelling was terrible! It's not like the girl didn't know how to spell, it was the kind that did it on purpose! This aggravates me to no end! I looked at her commments and sure enough, she had others like her. Here is an exerpt from one of the comments:

h3y thnx 4 da com3nt n nO probl3m i hop3 u 2 stay 2g3tha 4 a long tim3

What??? Computer jargon is not a language people! Do they even teach English in schools anymore? Whoever this kid's English teacher is, they should be taken out and flogged! My question is, doesn't it take a lot longer to have to type in numbers? And then there are the people who not only use numbers but they randomly capitalize some letters too! How is this efficient? That would take me like 3 hours to write a blog! *Add number here, capitalize that just because I'm a rebel who has my own big pimpin fo shizzle lingo!* Oh my gosh...I've just become an old woman making fun of teens...this can't be happening. I'm young; I can speak the hip lingo still...dang this turning 22!


  1. I think my eyes just crossed! Holy crap. I must be odd that I use proper spelling & punctuation in my texts. My 14 year old & my 16 year old niece tend to add extra letters but still abbreviate. Looks dumb but is fairly easy to read. "yesss lol well I g2g I'll c ya tm"

    1. Even "g2g" makes me have to stop and think for a minute! I am so bad at this stuff so I am glad that I have a very minimal text life. haha

  2. omg im rotflmao totes l33t 4 sho

    1. I must be way behind...what is "totes l33t"? Goodness, I could get a headache from this crazy stuff!

    2. totes = totally.


    3. Thank you and AHHHHH!!! This atrocity has a name! Oh well, it's only on Wikipedia so it's not like it's official or anything... ;)

  3. It scared me that I was able to read it...

  4. I hate this, too! Growl! It also annoys me when people add extra letters to words! Why! Why do they do that?! For emphasis?

    1. Maybe they mixed up the definition of "emphasis" with "annoyance"??

  5. I'm seriously laughing hard right now! I have the same pet peeve as you may remember from my 7 things. Drives me insane! If you were old at 22 I must be an ancient of fart! Here I was thinking I was doing good. Thanks for bursting my bubble yo. (did I do that right? IDK bcuz Ima 2 old 4 this biz)

    1. Back then, 22 was very depressing for me. I had passed the excitement of being 16 and able to drive, gone beyond the age of 18 where I could vote and was considered an adult, and bypassed 21 where I could drink so I felt there was nothing left after that...except the impending 30's! Of course there is the ability to rent cars cheaper at 25, but that wasn't a big excitement for me. I did get a bit depressed going onto 22 which even though I'm now 28, I still understand how sad it was. It was sort of the end of youth, being a kid, a dumb teenager, and living more as a family with my parents as opposed to being independent. I definitely don't think 22 is old, or 28 for that matter, and you definitely aren't old Melynda!

  6. Honestly, can I hunt her down with you and flog her with you. That is so aggrevating.

    1. Hopefully since 2006, when this was written, she's learned proper grammar by now! But I may use you for current offenders ;)

  7. I think a combination of texting, drugs and teenaged hormones are to blame for this trend. That's my theory.

    1. Fabulous theory! Sadly, I still know people my age who do this!

  8. No, they do not teach English in the public schools anymore. Most of the schools don't teach much of anything. They show movies.


    1. I probably do remember more films I saw in school than lessons ;) Good point!

  9. Reading that new language made my left eye start to twitch. That's what happens right before the crazy comes out...

    1. Let your crazy explode out! And hopefully it will hit some of these numpties in the head!

  10. I to do not understand it at all either; but I thought it was just a generational thing.

    1. I have seen parents, a generation above me do this! It's more rare but the lower generations definitely are using it more and more.

  11. Glad Joshua covered 733t (LEET). I tend to spell things out, but am guilty of the following "sins".

    THRU = THROUGH. An old COBOL programmer syntax habit that will not be broken. I'm in IT and even use this is most work emails.

    GNU = NEW. I will occasionally use this one on my blog, for humor's sake.

    X = TRANS. I will tell the wife that I've X-ferred trains in a text.

    @$$ = Well, you can figure that one out. Some people don't like language like that on their blogs, so this gets the point across without actually cussing.

    1. I would be so lost if you used the "X" thing with me and I don't think I'd seen "gnu" and know right away what it was...and I don't consider that a bad thing...

  12. Oh we do teach English, alright, but no one's really listening! They're too busy texting their friends. And I'm not kidding either.

    P.S. You're not an old woman.

    1. Well of course you teach it in universities and colleges but in anything lower than that (in America at least) we pretty much learn nothing. Actually, I did learn quite a bit when I went to school but that was when I spent 3 years in a private school that had a much harder curriculum.

  13. I think text language may become the new English. It will be sad if it happens, but that may be the way our world is going - Dave

  14. My grandmother was an English teacher in Hawaii, so she dealt with "pidgin" English. I remember her doing an assignment where she had the kids write a passage from Shakespeare in pidgin. But she was a TOTAL grammar and punctuation -- I hate when people overuse this word, but -- Nazi. When I was a kid, she used to send my letters back corrected.

  15. It's enough to drive a man to drink!


Does this straitjacket make my butt look big?